I’m a visual artist from Romania, with a body of work focused mainly on mixed media: painting, drawing, photography and video. My conceptual analysis focuses on the XXI-st century man who defines himself as a complex being, free to express his own identity, always on the lookout for new experiences. At the same time, however, contemporary man is more confused than ever about his/ her identity and wishes, having been formed in a society that offers a vast palette of possible existential choices, yet imposes since childhood more or less directly „correct” templates of existence. Thus we find ourselves staring at a contrast between the promoted role models, what man really wants and what he actually is.


2014-2019 : PhD Studies in Visual Arts –University of Art and Design Cluj-Napoca
2016 : Gallery Assistant Internship-Erasmus+ placement at Plan B Gallery Berlin
2015 : Gallery Assistant Internship-Erasmus+ placement at Peckham Platform Art Gallery, London
2009-2011 : Master Degree in Visual Arts, Graphic Arts, University of Art and Design, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2010: CEEPUS exchange student- for 3 months  in Cracow, Poland, Jan Matejko Academy of Art and Design, Graphic Arts : Litography, Drawing, Poster Design
2009 : ERASMUS exchange student-for 3 months in United Kingdom, Birmingham Institute of Art & Design, Fine Art
2006-2009 : Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Arts, Graphic Arts, University of Art and Design, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


2024: Lacrimarium. Suspended Memories, curator: Alexandra Runcan, Museum of Contemporary Art, Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu
The Anatomy of Ambiguity, duo show with Mathias Bar, Biju Gallery, Cluj-Napoca
2023: Artistic Residency & duo show with Mathias Bar: No Story Has a Happy Ending
Unless You Stop Telling it Before It’s Over, Fantom Project Space Berlin
2022: Fragments from a Life I Don’t Remember, Camera K’ARTE Târgu Mureș
Mediating Illusion. The Temptation to Exist, Estopia Art Gallery Lugano
Anatomy of a Tragedy, duo show with Mathias Bar, X Flux Studio Cluj-Napoca
2021: Réalités corporelles: des identités incertaines, French Cultural Institute Cluj-Napoca
2020: Corporealities. Uncertain Bodies, Estopia Art Gallery Bucharest, Romania
2018:  Relativity, duo show with Andreea Anghel, Nano Gallery, Centre of Interest Cluj-Napoca
Blackout. [Follow The White Rabbit], NEW NOW art space Frankfurt
SABOTAGE: Deconstructing The Unforeseen, Camera, Centre of Interest Cluj-Napoca
2017 : Dot Fever. Future Memories, duo show with Mathias Bar, Open Studio, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Fluid Identity, FIVE PLUS Art Gallery, Vienna, Austria
Self. Perceive/Deceive, Nano Gallery, Centre of Interest, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2015 : Soft Hollow, Atelier Patru artist-run space, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Black Fire, Museum of Art Brasov, Romania
2013 : Dream Traces, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea, Romania
Interfaces , Visual Kontakt Gallery, Ulm, Germany
2012 : Coordinates for you to dream, Art Yourself Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
2010:  Open Heart Surgery, Casa Matei Gallery, Ro, Gallery of Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, UK


2024: State of Flux, Artists: Robert Andacs, Marius Bodea, Anca Brânzaș, Mircea But, Mihaela Coandă, Taisia Corbuț, Marius Ghita, Tincuța Marin, Bogdan Rusu – Biju Gallery Cluj-Napoca
Nothing is What it Seems, Artists: Anca Bodea, Andrei Budescu, Aleksandra Chaushova, Teodora Cosman, Octavian Cosman, Ada Muntean, Alexandra Mureșan, Matthieu Marre, Julia Lebrao Sendra – Cosman Foundation Cluj-Napoca
Old Trees, Artist: Florin Ghenade – Biju Gallery Cluj-Napoca
The Future is Uncertain but The End is Always Near, Artists: Artists: Răzvan Neagoe, Robert Andacs, Taisia Corbuț, Ada Muntean, Teodora Cosman, Dragoș Burlacu – Diptych Art Space Bucharest

2023: Hiding in Plain Sight, Artists: Norbert Filep, Mathias Bar, Dragoș Bădiță, Dan Beudean, Ada Muntean, Sasha Bandi, Călin Dumitrașcu – Biju Gallery, Cluj-Napoca
Threat to The Eye, Artists: Anca Bodea, Felix Deac, Taisia Corbuţ, Ana Maria Micu, Mathias Bar, Teodora Cosman, Răzvan Neagoe, Ada Muntean – Indecis Artist Run Space Timişoara
Tout doit passer/All Things Must Pass, Artists: Călin Dumitrașcu, Robert Andacs, Arthur Hengeli, Mathias Bar, Taisia Corbuț, Oana Cervinschi, Ada Muntean, Christine
Widsgowski – La Cave, French Institute Cluj-Napoca

2022: Studies for a Burning Silence, Artists: Răzvan Neagoe, Dragoș Neagoe, Ada Muntean, Mathias Bar, Ana Maria Micu (in collaboration with Alexandra & Radu Constantinescu), Mircea Modreanu – Hangar F, Alba Iulia

2020: Breaking (Im)possibilities, Artists: Zoița Delia Călinescu, Andreea Medar, Ada Muntean, Dragoș Neagoe, Răzvan Neagoe, Cristi Gașpar, Mălina Ionescu, Magdalena Pelmuș, Bogdan Pelmuș, Multicultural Center of Transilvania University from Brașov

2016: Presence in Absence, Artists: Andreea Anghel, Gabriel Stoian, Maria Sicoie- Atelier Patru Cluj
A4 | Used without Object, Artist: Gabriel Stoian- Romanian Cultural Institute Berlin
Resurrected, Artists: Andreea Anghel, Anca Badea, Gabriel Bica, Adelina Cacio,
Cristina Coza-Damian, Oana Damian, Pavel Grosu, Ioana Iacob, Norbert Dako-
Graff, Elena Ilash, Tudor Jucan, Florin Marin, Corina Oprea, Daniel Popescu,
Axenia Roșca, Ozana Mureșan, Alina Staicu, Herbert Christian Stoeger, Gabriel
Stoian – FIVE PLUS Art Gallery, Vienna, during Vienna Art Week

2015: Unfinished Business, Artist: Adelina Cacio,Visual Kontakt Gallery
Emergence, Artist: Pavel Grosu,Visual Kontakt Gallery
Fade Out, Artist: Claudiu Ghermăneanu, Visual Kontakt Gallery

2014: Sequences of Love, Artist: Anca Badea,Visual Kontakt Gallery


2024: Vertebrae Mundi, curator Raluca Ilaria Demetrescu, AnnArt Gallery, Bucharest
Nothing is What it Seems, co-curated with Teodora Cosman, Cosman Foundation, Cluj-Napoca
Permanent World Encyclopedia, curator Norbert Filep, Muzeul Banatului Montan Reșița, Gloriae Art Gallery Craiova, Museum of Art Brașov, Amzei Creative Corner Bucharest
The Future is Uncertain but The End is Always Near, Diptych Art Space Bucharest

2023: Silenced Anxiety, AnnArt Gallery Bucharest
Festina Lente, Espace Intermediaire Bruxelles
Hiding in Plain Sight, Biju Gallery, Cluj-Napoca
Threat to The Eye, Indecis Artist Run Space Timişoara
Tout doit passer/All Things Must Pass, La Cave, French Institute Cluj-Napoca
Contemporary Drawing in Romania (organised by Art Movements Foundation), Scemtovici & Benowitz Gallery Bucharest

2022: I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, Meta Spațiu Timișoara
Studies for a Burning Silence, Hangar F, Alba Iulia
Aktion! – Mentoring und Aktion final exhibition, Multicultural Center of Transilvania University from Brașov

2021: Negotiating Reality, E T A J artist-run space Bucharest

Smash Cut,  E T A J artist-run space Bucharest

Anatomy of a Knock-out, X Flux Studio, part of The White Night of The Galleries, Cluj-Napoca
2020: Breaking (Im)possibilities, Multicultural Center of Transilvania University from Brașov, Romania
Blurred is The New ID, Estopia Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
2019: Private Fears, Open Studio, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, event part of Worldwide Apartment and Studio Biennale
Signal X, Open Studio, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2018: CentenART, Museum of Art Brașov
Woman, All Too Woman, Museum of Art Timișoara
Imago Mundi – Join the Dots, Salone degli Incanti Trieste
2017 :  Process Terminus, contribution for Sandwich Gallery project (conceived by Cristian Răduță, Alexandru Niculescu, Daniela Pălimariu) , presented at ArtEncounters Biennial Timișoara, Romania
With|out Guidelines, Launloc Gallery, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
National Salon of Art Erotica, Th. Pallady Gallery, Iași, Romania”
Curators Choice & Artist Tribute reMix 2017, ARTOPIA, Vienna, Austria

2016:   Resurrected, FIVE PLUS Art Gallery Vienna, Austria, during Vienna Art Week
OPEN16, Peckham Platform, London, UK
Learning & Unlearning-Înecați_Panta Rhei, Plan B Gallery, Cluj-Napoca
Learning & Unlearning-Cele mai frumoase cărți itinerante, Plan B Gallery, Cluj-
2015 :  Small Graphic Exhibition, Romanian Cultural Institute New York, USA
Romanian Graphic Art 2015, Căminul Artei Gallery, Bucharest; Romania
Hello Natasha!, Espace Wild Awake, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The Exhibition of Young Artists, Contempora Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
Local Municipalities,Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea, Romania
Contempora 8, Casa Universitarilor, Bucharest, Romania
Intercultural Links, Palace of the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
2014 : Romanian Graphic Art 2014, Căminul Artei Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
Young Art Show 7, House of Arts Piestany, Slovakia
Inner Fire, Bucharest Art Week, Foișorul de Foc, Bucharest, Romania
SeeMeTakeover, Times Square, New York, USA
Imago Mundi-The Art of Humanity, Casa dei Carraresi, Treviso, Italy
Contempora 7, Imbold Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
Bad Colours, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea, Romania
Art for Children, National Romanian Bank, Bucharest, Romania
Romanian Graphic Art 2013, National Museum of Art Chișinău
2013 : Scope Art Fair, See Me Booth, Miami, USA
L’art qui unit-45 artistes roumains, Inter-Art Exhibition, Romanian Embassy,
(De)Generation, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea, Romania
Romanian Graphic Art 2013, Căminul Artei Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
Creatives Rising, See Me Gallery & Linc LIC skyskraper projection, New York
Nations-Water-Cultures, Inter-Art Exhibition, United Nations Headquartes, New York
Small Salon of Art Bucharest, 7th Edition, Căminul Artei Gallery, Bucharest
The Exhibition of Young Artists, Contempora 6, Alchemia Gallery, Bucharest
Freedom and Art-without border , European Parliament, Bruxelles, Belgium
2012 : Poster Biennial AUG Design, Altan Klamovka Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
International Biennial of Small Format Works, Guarulhos, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Agency of Unrealized Projects, daadgalerie, Berlin, Germany
POP-Pick me up Fair, Somerset House, London, UK
2011 :  Intimate Space, Olympic Village, Innsbruck, Austria
EBienale, Palace Hall, Bucharest, Romania
FeminitARTE, Art Yourself Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
2010: Venice Architecture Biennial- Photographic project exhibited in Superbia Suburbia project, Romanian Pavilion, Palazzo Correr, Venice